Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Free Living Fresh Water Protozoa and Colour Guide. Fig 194-197 Amoeba. D.J. Patterson, 1998.

Free Living Fresh Water Protozoa and Colour Guide. Fig 301 Lacrymaria. D.J. Patterson, 1998.

Dictionary. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2nd observation

On October 20th I went into observe my micro-aquarium. I actually didn't notice much difference from the first week, except the fact that there were a few single celled organisms floating around, but besides that not much difference. The water level dropped a little bit from last week so I added 1 some more water and also we fed our aquariums. We dropped one fish pellet in there to promote growth and give the organisms some food.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pictures-nematoad, splittig chilodonella, group of ameobas, and a lacrymaria

11/10 observation

On November 10th when I observed my microaquarium I noticed three new species in it. The first I noticed was an ameoba. Ameobas move with pseudopods. They have cells with a single large nuclues and a thick dimpled wall. They almost resemble a giant blob that has no set shape or figure. Ameobas move fairly slowly. The second was a Nematoad. Nematoads use a rotifer and eat bacteria. They are oval shaped organisms with rotifers that look like teeth. The last thing I saw was a chilodonella. They consume bacteria, it was in the middle of division. I also took a few pictures of my microaquarium that I will post.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11/4 observation

On Tuesday November 11th I observed my micro aquarium. Upon viewing the micro aquarium I actually didnt really notice much difference from last time when I observed it. Still saw lots of algea and single celled organisms moving around. The one new thing I noticed was that I saw a few Nematoads. They have twitchy fast jerky movements then they pause for a while then continue to spaz out. I saw the Nematoads at the top and bottom of my microaquarium. I did notice that the Nematoad at the top had rounded off ends while the ones at the bottom had a needle type end. They somewhat resemble worms in their look and movement.