Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oct. 13th set-up and first observation

The first day of the micro aquarium term project, we spent most of the day actually creating the micro aquarium and recording data about it. I chose my water from the Spring Creek off Woodson Dr runing throught Dean's Woods Road frontage., Knox Co. Tennessee. It was under partial shade exposure. The sample was taken on 4/11/08. To do this we took a glass shell and syringed water from the source into my micro aquarium glass holder. I got water from the very bottom, middle, and top. I also deposited two different plants into the micro aquarium. Lastly, I observed the micro aquarium through a microscope. I didn't see much at first then found a few small, green, single celled organisms moving in circles. Besides those I didn't see anything else moving really, I expect to see more next week when I observe it.

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